Important: Please note when returning/repairing:
When returning the item, please send it back in the outer box that was sent with it. If possible, the manufacturer's original box should not be damaged as the next customer may need it.
When sending in a repair, we ask that you send the boots well cleaned and well cared for . Manufacturers often carry out one or two repairs free of charge on well-maintained boots as a gesture of goodwill. Some manufacturers even send dirty boots back without repair.
It is important to us that you have the opportunity to receive the boots you have chosen in the right size. Since there is a standard item in black in up to 3000 possible combinations (shoe size, height, calf), it is very likely that you have chosen an item that we did not have in stock before. We have this made for you by the manufacturer and then include the returned item (except for “configurator” items) in our range. Since we are the only ones in the world who offer this service and our items have to be insured during shipping (over €500), we unfortunately cannot cover the entire shipping and return costs for your orders. However, if you want to exchange an item for a different size, we will of course still be happy to cover the return costs. To do this, please send an email to the following address: support@reit
Riding boots shop
Cottaer Str. 6
01159 Dresden
Information on the right of withdrawal for special and made-to-measure products (configurator article)
When riding, it is extremely important that the boots fit perfectly. That's why you can also order individual special and made-to-measure products from us. However, there is no right of withdrawal because the law does not apply to contracts for the delivery of goods that are not prefabricated and for the production of which an individual selection or determination by the consumer is decisive or that are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer. before. However, we offer you a special service: If the first pair of boots does not fit and you send the goods back to us unworn (not ridden/worn in the stable or outside) within 4 weeks, we will modify the existing pair of boots so that they fit. If this is not possible, we will make another pair for you once. Attention: Deviations from the table dimensions may result in additional costs, which we will inform you about in advance. This also applies if there have been any changes during the production period, for example due to major physical changes or previous incorrect measurements. Liability is excluded for design changes or changes due to color deviations. Our voluntary service is in addition to your statutory consumer rights to guarantee that the purchased item is free of defects, which remain independent and are not restricted by the service. With this service we are unique in the world. You don't have this service in the riding shop either. Of course, this is also a big risk for us, which is why, unlike other shops, we have to charge shipping costs and cannot give you discounts on manufactured items.